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Right, one of you fools again. I've been a PC user my whole life - still am, I've used the windows voice program - the one you have to train and still gets 90% of what you say wrong. Siri works right out of the box, this is why I appreciate it. Its easy, its fast, its responsive. Unlike microsoft voice recognition. Although old technology, siri improves on it.

This is why SOPA/PIPA bills are being spewed out, because you dumbass fucks keep illegaly downloading games and shit. Those developers spend years working on that shit only for you to steal it in the end and think thats right? I'm glad they shut down megaupload - bullshit piraters need to be stopped before us LOYAL customers get fucked over, before normal folks who simply use the internet for average use gets fucked over.

All because you punk ass bum lazy fucks that can't get a real job feel its your right to steal peoples shit. How about you make something, spend countless hours working and perfecting a game only to have someone in the end walk by, take it and say "thanks" and leave.

Dicks. The flash is good, but this idiot shouldn't have "won". I don't support these types of idiot fuckheads.

Awesome but..

The next part is already up on Youtube, and was just as this was uploaded, are you releasing them on youtube ahead of time than doing so after a while here? Are you copying someone elses work? Whats going on here?

Sad really

How far our imagination can take us, but we'll never see the stars, none of us here will. We'll never venture onto another planet in our lifetimes, we'll probably never make contact with an alien race in our lifetimes as well. Fun to imagine though.


Comedy was subpar.. the facial expressions just reminded me of a cheap anime, and walking into a tree? How is that funny? That doesn't happen in skyrim.. and why would he scream right after doing the shout?



But what is with "Zoeeeeee", He said it in the last video too. Funny stuff.

Love it, well deserved score.

On a side note i'm going bald and its a bit upsetting.

Sexual-Lobster responds:

im pretty sure over the decades my characters will get balder as i do.


Animation was good, but the story was a bit eh. The flame knew that female water drop for 20 seconds and when she was crushed he enraged, why?

Nice, but

A human would have lost so long ago, lol. Robot vs machine, humans are too soft and delicate to fight a mechanical machine, but great work man, best full body animation i've seen, ever. This quality is usually stick man. Lol robot had organs.


If he is the last man standing, how can he logically save the world? Or more specifically, the Human race? He cannot mate, meaning that is the end of the human race. On top of that 100 years isn't nearly enough to eradicate all radioactive material that has been left behind, he would surely get sick. The planet itself is fine, it'll recover so there is no need to save that.. I don't see this story going ANYWHERE unless you add another character - which would void the "Last man standing" unless you do a play on words and bring a Woman into play and say "well its not a man".

Or you create a crazy twist and add some time machine, or some medical experiment that assists the main character in some form.

Never liked these type of stories because unless you screw around with something then there is no real goal for the user, unless it is to have fun with the time he has left

Pahgawk responds:

Spoiler alert: They left him a half-working time machine that he'll have to fix. Action ensues int he past.


Teachers are "mean" only because they want you to learn. If you choose to ignore and fail school, when you're 20-25 you'll be regretting it as you see all your friends in College, University, getting great paying careers they enjoy.. as you sit back still working some low end job.

Listen, and do you damn work. Oh and the flash was good!

Keep Submitting, gives me something to vote

Age 37, Male


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